
Health and Safety

The Health and Safety Representative is responsible for advising management of current regulations, for defining procedures, identifying risks and ensuring compliance with all Health and Safety measures. The most senior member of our staff is responsible for ensuring that it provides a safe working environment. Every employee must take responsibility for working safely and for complying with health and safety guidelines issued by our Company.

Our Company visits each and every site prior to commencing to ensure that adequate welfare facilities are in place for all our staff and these facilities are made available by our customers. Due to the very nature of the role of Security Officer we do not have any reason to handle or control any substances which are hazardous to Health & Safety (COSHH). However, if we come across such potential hazards we will report them to the customer immediately and do not enter the area until it is rectified.

Environmental policy

The Management of Admire Security Ltd recognise our wider social responsibilities both in our operating practices and the influence we can bring to bear as an employer and purchaser of goods and services. Therefore, we are committed to taking positive action wherever possible to influence environmental issues.

These actions include:

  • Providing information and guidelines to security personnel and other staff regarding ways of maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing waste.
  • Designing procedures to reduce paper and make the best use of resources. Use of lead-free or diesel fuels in company vehicles and encouraging the sharing of vehicles and the use of public transport where appropriate.
  • Regular servicing of vehicles and equipment to maximize efficiency and fuel conservation.
  • Recycling waste where appropriate and the use of recycled products and giving preferential consideration to environmentally friendly products and suppliers who demonstrate higher levels of environmental concern.

Corporate and Social responsiblity policy

Admire Security Limited is committed to carrying out its business and affairs in a socially responsible, sustainable and meaningful way, taking into account ethics, the environment and needs of society at large.

What CSR Means

Our Company regards CSR as:

* A strategic means to make a positive contribution to its business success

* Conducting its business in a socially responsible and ethical manner

* Protecting the environment and the safety of people

* Part of its plan to continue to build trust in the Company from customers, employees and from the communities in which it operates

* Supporting Human Rights, operating an equal opportunity policy and respecting diversity Part of its plan to generate teamwork among employees and pride and commitment to the Company.